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Individual Counseling

For clients who are seeking a personal, individual counseling experience, I offer a professional, confidential setting.  Sessions are focused on the needs of the individual.  Individual counseling is very effective in finding healing in a wide variety of areas including anxiety, depression, job, relationships, abuse, addiction, grief, loss, stress, and life adjustments.  I meet you at the center of life's crossroads and work to bring growth, hope and understanding.  


Couples Counseling

Some of the greatest struggles in life can come within the context within a relationship.  We experience the greatest highs and lows of life in a relationship because nowhere else do we hold our hearts out so openly.  Often, this results in great hurts and misunderstanding.  Rest assured, it is never too late to find healing in your relationship. I specialize in working with dating, engaged and married couples. 


Family Counseling

The family relationship consists of countless dynamics and interactions.  Many families find themselves in a place where they feel disconnected, in constant conflict, or unable to work together day-to-day.  Seeking family counseling can be one of the most powerful and effective ways to experience profound change within your family relationship.  I am experienced in working with families, and enjoy witnessing the healing that takes place within the family context.  That healing transforms the lives of every member of the family. 



The teenage years are a time of great change and identity development. Often, it can feel turbulent, out-of-control, and confusing for both parents and adolescents.  These years create many opportunities for tension within the family relationship as well. I have a strong passion for working with this age group and their parents.  Adolescents need to feel and be understood as they journey through new and different struggles.  It may feel hard at times to compete with the influence of friends, media and society in your adolescent’s life.  Adolescent therapy provides opportunity for your teenager to find change in a healthy and growth-focused environment.  Both parents and teenagers are able find health and growth in a wide variety of areas that may be of concern.


Addiction (Substance, Sexual, Love, Gambling)

Addiction can bring us to some of the most broken and dark places in our lives. The burden of addiction does not have to control your life anymore.  You can be set free! It begins with a desire to change and grows into a life of recovery. You can find healing and recovery. It is never too late to seek growth and change. Addiction therapy can be very effective and can completely transform your life and close relationships.


The losses of life often can take us completely by surprise and take the wind out of our sails.  The journey of grief is different for everyone.  Often what you need most is someone to come alongside and be willing to sit in the middle of the despair.  You need someone to listen.  It feels like no one could understand or know what you are going through.  You knew that this happened to others, but never to you.  Grief/loss counseling can provide profound healing in the midst of the greatest pain you may have ever felt in your life.  I will help you journey through this pain and confusion, in order to get you to a place of healing and restoration.



Depression plagues millions of Americans every day.  Signs of depression include: feelings of worthlessness, constantly being tired, withdrawing socially, difficulty with motivation to start tasks, too much sleep or sleeplessness, constant sadness, loss of appetite, feeling empty, apathetic, or simply more "down" than you used to be.  Depression can be treated effectively for the majority of people with several key behavioral changes that can be worked on in the therapeutic environment.  I will assess your depression and provide you with a treatment plan that will best help you to overcome the depression in your life.



Anxiety can steal the joy and energy out of your day-to-day life.  Anxiety can manifest itself physically through heart/chest pain, chronic fatigue, numbness, blurred vision, loss of appetite, and headaches.  Anxiety can also manifest itself in social phobias, situational phobias, panic attacks, general stress, difficulty concentrating, fear of failure/rejection, distancing in relationships, and distorted thinking. Your thoughts and beliefs greatly influence the anxiety that you experience in life.  Through the use of cognitive behavioral therapy, you can find great healing for even the most extreme anxiety.


Divorce Recovery

There are many unique stressors and difficulties that can occur during and after a divorce or separation.  Whether it is trying to redefine yourself or your family, trying to process where to go from here, or trying to heal in the midst of transition; I can navigate the rough waters for and with you.  Don't go through separation or divorce alone. Most people will tell you that separation and divorce are the most painful and stressful experiences they have ever faced. The feelings of isolation and confusion can overwhelm you, but there is hope and healing!


Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter

I have qualified and completed over 9,500 pets with ESA letters. An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letter from a licensed therapist is all you need to gain legal access to airline cabins and pet restricted housing without extra fees and deposits. This important letter is written by a mental health professional, states you suffer from an emotional disability which falls under the definition laid out by the American’s with Disabilities Act and the ESA is a vital part of your mental health and wellbeing. The letter must be written on therapist’s letterhead. It must then be signed and dated and include the Clinician’s license number, date and state it was issued. ESA letters are only valid for one year from the issued date.



Tele-video Counseling

I offer private face-to-face tele-video counseling.


Phone Counseling

Telephone counseling has proven to be extremely successful for most issues during counseling sessions.


Telemedicine Psychotherapy (for those wishing to use insurance)

You may have received information from your health plan about telemedicine, the ability to see doctors, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists like me using a mobile app or computer. I work exclusively in telemedicine with American Well powered, HIPAA compliant technology. As part of the Online Care Group, I offer the same standard of care you find in brick and mortar settings. Telemedicine makes seeing me and my colleagues more convenient. Click here AMERICAN WELL to learn more and search for your insurance provider. Don't forget to type in my name, Laurie Lerner, when you reach 'Select Therapist' so we can get started.


PAYMENT OPTIONS for Phone and Tele-video Counseling


50 Minutes for $60.00


ESA Letter - $75.00


All payments accepted through Zelle. Go to www.zellepay.com and download the APP.

Or visit your bank website and set-up Zelle from your account page.


You can also pay through Cash App to ($chanceforhappiness)



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